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CTIC (, after two years of preparation, the site started trial operation in April 2016. Since it was launched, over 100 examination organizations has joined in. Currently, the platform has established the large database for more than 20000 third-party inspection agencies. It is the only authorized platform for Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology about "standard material".
1999年,KAWAI蓄势待发,旗舰系列Shigeru Kawai三角钢琴应运问世。这是KAWAI制琴工艺的集大成之作,汇聚了KAWAI社内最好的材料、工艺以及情怀。承继了KAWAI创始者河合小市先生“制造世界第一的钢琴”之梦想的二代社长河合滋,将其半生心血倾注此琴。故而在这具有划时代意义的钢琴问世之时,怀着对其品质的高度自信和强烈责任感,河合滋先生毫不迟疑地为其冠上自己的姓名,并如是说:“这台钢琴,即是我的人生哲学。”
DESIGN POWER HOUSE (DPH), houses the best and experienced industry's future and creative thinkers. Our multi-faceted team of talented individuals offers a range of unique specialist skills in supporting our Design processes:Design applied technology,spatial data analysis,3D printing application,VR/AR design process,project management,material technology/application and knowledge of current and future design trends. We all share the same belief,the belief in the"Power of Design"to elevate experiences,memories and moments-creating spaces we live,work,shop and play for people to enjoy. In the studio,we have a collaborative, friendly culture and enjoy working together to solve problems and find solutions beyond our client's expectations.A bespoke team will be dedicated to every project to manage each stage within a carefully coordinated program.Design is key,but the completion of every project on time and on budget is just as fundamental to our work. The three Co-Founders of DPH have combined total of 45 years of experience in the field of Interior Design covering;Retail complexes,Corporate,Commercial,residential and Mixed-use projects.All three are jointly have the same goal in dedicating in creating cutting-edge design with intelligence,integrity and flair.
The University of Shanghai for Science and Technology is a research-oriented university with a focus on engineering, science, economics, management, literature, law, and art. The University's school-running philosophy originated from Hujiang University, founded in 1906, and the German-language medical school founded in 1907. It has been passed down from generation to generation. The unique outstanding school-running tradition has spawned a large number of patriotic youths and lofty people, nourishing a large number of academics, elites, engineering experts and social leaders, and have trained more than 100,000 outstanding professionals for the country and society, and enjoy the reputation of China's “Manufactural Huangpu Military Academy.”
BPI集团,始创于美国。作为拥有超过100多年行业经验的全球领先制动产品供应商,其丰富的各类制动产品在北美汽车后市场占有率排名第一。 BPI集团旗下拥有雷贝斯托、爱美科、凯力世、雷米等众多国际品牌。产品阵容齐全,满足轿车、客车、卡车等车型广泛应用,覆盖96%以上的车型需求。在亚洲,BPI集团拥有3家工厂和一个贸易公司,亚太总部位于上海。
Shanghai Ketai Power Supply Co., Ltd. established in Qingpu Industrial Park in 2002. The company is based on the manufacture of power generation equipment and gradually develops into a group and diversified industry. The company completed the shareholding system transformation in 2008 and officially listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 2010 (stock code: 300153).